Devoted to the creation of a large Alpine Diorama in N-scale.

The theme is a fictitious town located in the central Alps.

The theme is a fictitious town located in the central Alps.
It focuses on modeling scenery: terrain, water, grass, flowers, trees, buildings, streets, lights, vehicles, people and public transportation.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Template and Images for Nscale Back-to-Back Signals

To access the template for the back-to-back signal face file click on link below.
This link takes you to the file located on Google Documents as a word processor document.
On the Google Documents page you can download the file (Go to File in top left corner) to suit several word processors you might have.  The template supplied was upload as-is in nscale, but using a word processor you can alter the image sizes to suit different size scale modeling.

Also included below are images of the wiring diagram for the back-to-back signals.