Devoted to the creation of a large Alpine Diorama in N-scale.

The theme is a fictitious town located in the central Alps.

The theme is a fictitious town located in the central Alps.
It focuses on modeling scenery: terrain, water, grass, flowers, trees, buildings, streets, lights, vehicles, people and public transportation.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

2 Aspect signals in actual use

I put together the above video of simple green/red signals in actual use.  It is in direct response to a smart-assed hardcore rail modeler that was on my case about not using a full single system... red, yellow and green.   I hate those types of SOB's.  The know-it-alls, money-is-no object, shrilling and snubbing people as they strut through life like their shit doesn't stink.  Hell, if he has so much money, why not just hire someone to build his entire layout... And there are some people in the business to  build layouts for the ones who will pay.  You reckon they also pay someone to take a shit for them???  But I digress...........

Complete n-scale signal systems are beyond my budget. I also model in DC (DCC is more complexed than I desire) and finding or making a full operating DC based signal system is overly priced. Complicating the issue is that I am modeling SBB Swiss rail and I have found only one maker of this type.  Laws of supply and demand means they can charge high prices... and they do.  A 2 aspect signal goes for about 30 dollars US.

Like impressionism art, I believe that a simple signal system, a token green/red (2 aspects) will satisfy the viewer.  There are also real uses of 2 aspect signals used in swiss rail, so using them is valid.  You can see 2 aspects in use in the above video.

Some modelers act as if it is a sin if something is NOT complete like a signal system.  Believe me, impressionism has been in use since the dawn of time.  Just take a look at ancient Greek and Roman arts; and if that doesn't convince you of its validity... look at Hollywood movies.  Even the hardcore modelers eventually have to draw a line at how much of their model is real, working, or how complete something is.  That line is different for everyone.  So I choose to keep my signal system simple (and fun).