In any event, I am happy with the results. That was 8 mast with 16 back-to-back, 2 aspect signal heads, having 32 red/green 402 LED's. The look is nice! I held off on signals till most of the diorama was complete and I'm glad. The look of them is simple yet they fit the overall mood of the diorama.
Devoted to the creation of a large Alpine Diorama in N-scale.
The theme is a fictitious town located in the central Alps.
It focuses on modeling scenery: terrain, water, grass, flowers, trees, buildings, streets, lights, vehicles, people and public transportation.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Modeling Railroad Signals
In any event, I am happy with the results. That was 8 mast with 16 back-to-back, 2 aspect signal heads, having 32 red/green 402 LED's. The look is nice! I held off on signals till most of the diorama was complete and I'm glad. The look of them is simple yet they fit the overall mood of the diorama.
Light Wiring,
Wire Glue